【Yuqori sifatli materiallar】 Skid bo'lmagan, Fasq-latka varaqasi etilen-vinil asetatdan qilingan. Eva qayiq taxtalari yaxshi zarbalarga chidamlilik, issiqlik izolatsiyasining afzalliklari, o'choq, zarba berish, noxush yutilish, toksik bo'lmagan, hidsiz, oson deformatsiya, yiqilib, yuqori zichlikni o'rash yoki shikastlash oson emas.
【O'rnatish oson va keng dasturlash】 Qayg'inchi qismning orqa tomonidagi kuchli elimini osongina kesib oling va qayiqning konturiga o'tish uchun osonlikcha kesib oling va plition yoki Qayiq sirtini himoya qilish talab qilinadi. Ko'chish talabi, yadroviy taxta, RV pol taxta, bog'ich va boshqa bezaklar kabi ko'plab bezakli taxtalar uchun juda mos keladi.
【Amaliy dizayn】 O'tkazma bo'lmagan dengiz varaqasi, hatto nam bo'lganda, yahudiylashtirilgan qulaylik va alohida tortishishni ta'minlaydi. Ular 6 million dona yumshoq, bardoshli materiallar oddiy, mustahkam po'stloq va tayoq bilan aralashtirilgan bir qator qalinlikka ega.
【Xavfsiz yurish posti】 - Dengiz Eta varaqasi chuqur xandaqlar va naycha shakllari bilan, bu esa ishqalanishni oldini oladi va sirg'alishni oldini oladi. Siz uning ustida yurishingiz mumkin va sirpanish haqida tashvishlanishga hojat yo'q. Eslatma: qayiq kolagi o'rnatilishining oldini olish uchun uni o'rnatishni oldini olish uchun o'rnatilishi mumkin.
- FAQ -
1. Q: What if I get the EVA Yacht Flooring with bad issues?
A: Please do send the photo of bad sheets to us, we provide the free replaced one to you if the problem is on our side.
2. Q: How to apply the EVA Faux Teak Sheet?
A: Our sheets is with strong branded adhesive, just peel and stick, and make sure the area is clean before application.
3. Q: How to clean the Boat Mat after getting dirty?
A: Our sheets is easy to clean with water.
4. Q: What tools do I need to cut the EVA Faux Teak Sheet?
A: A shark knife and a straight ruler. (Please be careful when using the knife.)
5. Q: Do you support customized colors?
A: Yes, you can either tell us the pantone color number or send the colors samples to us, then we can match for you.
6. Q: What is the using life of EVA Embossed Sheet?
A: 5-7 years in outdoor using. Even longer if stored inside.
7. Q: Is it your material UV resistant, and salt water proof?
A: Yes, our EVA foam material is marine grade, so it is UV resistant and salt water proof.
8. Q: Is the adhesive you offer permanent?
A: None of the adhesive in this world is permanent.
9. Q: What can I do if the edging is slightly up?
A: Use some strong glue like yellow glue on that edging area to glue it.
10. Q: How can I get the samples?
A: We have small samples like 15cm x 15cm for free, only we will need to charge the shipping cost.
11. Q: How do you pack the sheets?
A: If shipment by express, then we will pack in rolled.
If shipment by air / sea, then we will pack in flat.